Belajar dan terus belajar: PARALLEL STRUCTURE

Friday, November 2, 2018



One use of a conjunction is to connect words or phrases that have the same grammatical function in a sentence. This use of conjunctions  is called “ parallel sructure “ , the conjunctions used in this pattern are and , but , or , nor . These words are called “ coordinating conjunctions “

Example :
a. Steve and his friend are coming to dinner
b. Susan raised her hand and snapped her fingers
c. He is waving his arms and (is) shouting at us
d. These shoes are old but comfortable.
e. He wants to watch TV or  (to) listen to some music

Note :
In(a). noun + and + noun
  (b). verb + and + verb
  (c). verb + and + verb ( the second auxiliary may be omitted if it is the same as the first auxiliary )
  (d). adj + but + adj
  (e). Infinitive + or + infinitive ( the second to is usually omitted )

A parallel structure may contain more than two parts. In a sereies , commas are used to separate each unit. The final comma the precedes the conjuntion is optional.

Example :
a. Steve , Joe , and Alice are coming to dinner
b. Susan raised her hand, snapped her fingers, and asked a question.
c. The colors in that fabric are red,gold,black and green

Note: No commas are used if there are only two parts to a parallel structure
- Steve, and Joe are coming to a dinner ( INCORRECT )

Exercise : Parallel Structure
Directions : Underlined the parallel stucture in each sentence and give the pattern that is used , as shown in the examples.

1. the old man is extremly kind and generous. Adjective and adjective
2. He received a pocket calculator and a wool sweater for his birthday ……… ….. ………
3. She spoke angrily and bitterly about the war.  ……… ….. ………
4. I looked for my book but couldn’t find it.  ……… ….. ………
5. I hopeto go to that university and study under Dr.Liu. ……… ….. ………
6. In my spare time, I enjoy reading novels or watching television. ……… ….. ………
7. He will leave at eight and arrive at nine. ……… ….. ………
8. He should have broken his engagement to Beth and Married sue instead. ……… ….. ………

Exercise 2 : error analysis : Parallel structure

Directions : correct the errors

1. by obeying the speed limit , we can save energy , lives , and it costs us less
2. My home offers me a feeling of security , warm and love
3. The pioneers labored to clear away the forest and planting crops
4. When I refused to help her , she became very angry and shout at me
5. In my spare time , I enjoy taking care of my aquarium and to work on my stamp collection.
6. With their keen sight , fine hearing , and they have a refined sense of smell , wolves hunt elk , deer , moose and caribou.
7. All plants need light , to have a suitable climate , and an ample supply of water and minerals from the soil.
8. Slowly and being cautious , the firefighter ascended the burned staircase.
9. The indian cobra snake and the king cobra use poison from their fangs in two ways : by injecting it directly into their prey or they spit it into the eyes of the victim
10. On my vacation I lost a suitcase , broke my glasses , and I missed my flight home
11. When anna moved , she had to rent an apartment , make new friends , and to find a job.

Exercise 3 : error analysis : parallel structure
Directions : correct the errors

What do people in your country think of bats ?are they mean and scary creatures , or are they simbols of happiness and lucky ?
In westerns countries , many people have an unreasoned fear of bats. According to scientist Dr. Sharon Horowitz , bats are beneficial mammals and harmless. “ when I was a child , I believed that a bat would attack me and tangled itself in my hair. Now I know better, “ said Dr. Horowitz
Contrary to popular western myths, bats do not attack humans and not blind. Although a few bats may be infected, they are not major carries of rabies or carry other dread diseases. Bats help natural plant life by pollinating plants ,spreading seeds , and they eat insects. If you get rid of bats that eat overripe fruit . then fruit flies can flourish and destroying the fruit industry.
According to Dr.Horowitz , bats make loving pets , and they are trainable , and are gentle pets. Not many people , however , are known to have bats as pets , and bats themselves prefer to avoid people

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